co2 summit ii: technologies and opportunities

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an eci conference series

april 10-14, 2016
hyatt regency tamaya resort hotel

santa ana pueblo, new mexico, usa


join scientists, engineers, and technology end users in an international conference that cuts across industries and research disciplines to address greenhouse gas emission mitigation. this conference will take place in the breathtaking santa ana pueblo, new mexico, usa, landscape in a single-track forum designed to encourage collaboration and the exchange of ideas. this conference will be a continuation of the “co2 summit: technology and opportunity”, which was held in vail, colorado, usa, june 6–10, 2010.  at the first conference nearly 40 presentations from 14 countries were given in addition to several poster sessions.

space for this event is limited.  manuscripts will be published in elsevier’s energy procedia.

for the 2016 co2 summit, presentation and poster abstracts are invited on the following topics:

  • air capture
  • accelerating technology development through modeling
  • clean coal technologies and ccs
  • co2-equivalent reductions (non-co2 ghg emissions, flaring reductions, etc.)
  • co2 utilization – chemical pathways (fuel cells, co2 to methanol, etc.)
  • co2 utilization – physical pathways (enhanced resource recovery)
  • efficiency (supply side)
  • efficiency (demand side)
  • hybrid technologies (biomass ccs, co-firing with ccs, biomass air capture, etc.)
  • materials for ccs
  • renewable energy sources
  • transportation

there will be a strong focus on emissions abatement from fossil fuels, especially coal, and hybrid solutions that can reduce co2 emissions.

keynote speakers

•  robin batterham, kernot professor, university of melbourne and former chief scientist of australia

 chuck kutscher, director, buildings and thermal systems center, national renewable energy laboratory, united states

• hans-wilhelm schiffer, executive chair world energy resources, world energy council, london and consultant and advisor to the executive board of rwe ag, germany

• matthew usher, director, new technology & policy, aep generation, united states

• barbara walz, senior vice president, policy and compliance/chief compliance officer, tri-state generation and transmission, united states

•  chang wei, president and ceo, national institute of clean and low-carbon energy, china


eci liaison:  norman li, nl chemical technology, inc
chair:  holly krutka, shenhua science and technology research institute
co-chair:  frank zhu,  uop/honeywell

organizing committee members

robin batterham, university of melbourne
debangsu bhattacharyya, university of west virginia
carl bozzuto, alstom
mahmoud el-halwagi, texas a&m university
rosemary falcon, university of witwatersrand
maohong fan, university of wyoming
l.s. fan, ohio state university
josé figueroa, us doe, netl
klaus lackner, arizona state university
srikanta mishra, battelle
edward rubin, carnegie mellon university
berend smit, university of california, berkley
bill steen, aecom
peng pei, university of north dakota
chang wei, national institute of clean and low-carbon energy
robert williams, princeton university
jennifer wilcox, stanford university
ligang zheng, natural resources canada


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