nice america research inc. was established and opening ceremony was held-long8唯一中国官方网站

nice america research inc. was established and opening ceremony was held

oct 13th, 2016(gmt 8),nice america research inc. was established and the opening ceremony was held in mountain view, ca in the us. fanhua deng, the deputy consul-general of consulate-general of people's republic of china in san francisco, mike kasperzak from city of mountain view city council, tony siress,  ceo of chamber of commerce in the city of mountain view, jarad daniels, director of planning and environmental analysis, office of clean coal & carbon management and important guests from ge, air products, terra power, solarreserve, us-china green energy council and geirina attended the opening ceremony. yuzhuo zhang, chairman of shenhua group, cut the ribbon and gave the address during the ceremony.

nice america research inc. is under the jurisdiction of nice,located in the california silicon valley, which high-tech talents gathering in, focusing on coal / shale gas synergy development, hydrogen energy, carbon capture and utilization (ccus), and energy internet. the establishment of the center marks that shenhua group will better promote the implementation of clean energy development strategy, realize the strategy faster and better. shenhua is actively exploring the international market and integrating global innovation resources, taking efforts to improve the overall level of clean energy strategic development.

in the address, yuzhuo zhang hoped that by leveraging the excellent innovation culture and vast collaboration opportunities with local enterprises and research institutes, nice america could achieve high and grow rapidly in silicon valley. he also mentioned that nice america could make breakthroughs in cutting-edge research as well as technology commercialization within a short time, and help shenhua grow into a company which is a world-class clean energy supplier.

after ribbon cutting ceremony, nice held a memorandum of understanding signing ceremony with ge corp and air products company. later, yuzhuo zhang met with the important guests from ge corp, air products, solarreserve and terra power company.
